Sunday, 30 January 2011

Classroom Management Strategies

Effective Classroom Management Strategies - Where Can You Find Them?
Every year new teachers are starting their first year, and have not had proper training in effective classroom management strategies. This article will inform you of the various places you can search to learn effective classroom management strategies so that you will have a satisfying first year.
The first place many new teachers look to learn new effective classroom management strategies is from other teachers in their school system. Developing your own classroom management strategies is a skill not something you are born with. Many look to the internet for information for whatever topic they are searching for.       *Search engines (Google, Yahoo, etc.)

      *Forums and blogs
We have discussed several places you can go to for help with managing your classroom. If you are having classroom management problems I promise you help is out there. Remember talk to your colleagues, search online, or find information in books. New Teachers graduate from colleges with a background of experiences. However one very important concept is left out of many college programs - effective classroom management strategies. There are many techniques one can use to control his classroom and gain the respect of his/her students. The first question many teachers have is how to deal with chatty students. I have found that their are different ways of handling this, but one effective classroom management strategy is to use some type of signal. Many teachers will lose sleep at night because they just do not have the respect they deserve from their students. There are way to help gain the respect of your students. One effective classroom management strategy is to get to know your students. All teachers will experience students that are not engaged when teaching a lesson. One effective classroom management strategy you can use to get your students back on task is to stop what your doing, and give them a quick writing assignment or quick write. In order to be a successful and satisfied teacher you need to learn all you can about these and other effective classroom management strategies.
Students minds will often wander to other things while they are in the classroom. It is the teachers job to bring these students back into the lesson, and get them involved. In order to get where you can keep your students attention in the classroom you need to learn the following classroom management strategies.
A top classroom management strategy many experienced teachers use is to mix up their teaching style. The fairness cup strategy is a good classroom management strategy that will keep all your students on their toes. The fairness cup strategy s done by writing each students name on a Popsicle stick and placing them in a coffee can. During the lesson draw a stick from the cup and ask that student to answer a question. There are many more classroom management strategies but changing your teaching style and using a fairness cup will be a good step toward getting and keeping your students attention.


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