Thursday, 3 February 2011

Educational Videos

Educational Videos - Some Teaching Points
If you've been a teacher for a while or if you're a beginning teacher, you probably know that educational videos are some of your best friends in the classroom and some of the handiest teaching tools you'll have. Educational videos reach a wider range of learning styles especially visual and audio learners.

You can use educational videos creatively to stimulate thinking: playing them silently, playing them backwards, playing the soundtrack only, using freeze-frames and using different subject areas videos in other subject areas.

Educational videos have grade level specifications, content outlines or chapters, and are always rated for classroom use-so they are appropriate!

Changes in technology have also allowed for computer projection and Internet delivery of video content to your classroom. Educational websites are providing more and more instant content. Some sites for teachers can give links to good educational videos that others have used successfully, and if you're lucky, you'll find a lesson plan to go along with it!
One place that teachers in Alabama have found very useful has been the Alabama Public Television site known as APT Plus, which gives teacher access to a huge online library of educational videos in most curriculum areas. How do you use an online video library? Always preview the content. Use the same teaching techniques as you would with regular video programs in VHS or DVD format. If your classroom has adequate network connections, a trip to the Internet is simple, especially if you search for some good educational sites and return to them. The most valuable and affordable resource for enhancing your classroom lessons is still educational videos and DVDs.


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