Summer Jobs For School Teachers, Other Than Summer School
Do you teach school for a living? There are options for you and there are summer jobs for school teachers on their summer vacation.
The first step is to decide whether or not you want to work full time or part time during the summer. There are many school teachers that only want to work part time and that is fine. You will need to know which jobs are the easiest to get and which ones are the hardest to get for school teachers.
There are many different positions other than just summer teaching. The YMCA usually has camp counselor positions and you can check with the Boy scouts and different clubs as well. They usually have openings and love to hire teachers.
You could also work from home as well. There are many things you can do right from your home part time or full time during the summer.
You can take online surveys from home if you want to and that is one of the best summer jobs for school teachers if you want to work from home and online.Are you a school teacher? Are you looking for a summer job? Well keep reading to find out some options on how to get a job this summer and make some extra money during your summer vacation.
First you need to decide whether you want to work full time or part time. Many teachers just want to work part time so that they still have some time to themselves during the summer months. Below I will list two great summer jobs for teachers both can be part time and one can be done from home.
First part time summer job for teachers is being a camp counsler. This is a great summer job for those who like to spend time outdoors. Many summer camps have outdoor activities and this would allow any teacher who wants to spend time outdoors this summer to do so. If you are not interested in working outside this summer then your other option would be to work from home. Many teachers work from home during the summer months and a good percentage of them work online. It is possible to have a good part-time summer job working from home. One of the best ways to work from home is by taking online surveys. In my opinion this is the best summer job for school teachers that there is. You control your income and the time you spend working. Teaching Jobs - Public or Private School? I have yet to work in a public school division in my current city due to the insanely uneven ratio of prospective teachers to teaching vacancies - was a wee bit discouraging!
I ended up working more than few times each week and soon landed a contract as a Kindergarten teacher.
Pro's for me, personally, working in a private/band school environment? Now to the con (yep, only one that I can pinpoint) of working in a division or school that is separate from public. Sadly, the people who make decisions about education on reserves or on private schooling education committees aren't necessarily educational professionals, but are community members with a job that isn't always to serve (what us professionals may think is) the better educational needs of students. Teacher candidates, fellow professionals?
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