Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Student Center For Student Support

Student Centered Learning
In the due process of education student plays a vital role. Student centered learning is a concept where students are the pivotal element in the process of education. Education process basically involves teachers, students and administrators.
Students acquire education; teachers deliver education while administrators manage the working of the educational institution. Teacher centered learning is where teacher is in the center playing active role while students are at the receptive end with a passive role.
While student centered learning is where students are active, participating in their process of learning.
Instead of just depending on the teachers and revisions, students started making attempts for group study and peer learning. This gave emergence to student centered education, a process where student themselves decide on their learning format and selection.
Student centered Learning facilitates active participation of students in the learning process from the independent point of view. In this process students are supposed to utilize all their class time composing the new formats of learning materials being an active participant. The classrooms are promoted by utilizing valuable learning skills that builds the students with ability of achieving far-reaching learning goals that leads to the motivating factor amongst the students. A teacher centered classroom can turn into student centered class room only when the teacher gauges the diverse background of the learners.
Integration of student centered class room in the curriculum
Reinforces Students motivation towards education.
Upholds group or peer learning.
Fosters Student-Teacher bond.
Student is responsible for his own learning.
Student centered learning has brought a drastic change in the teaching methods also. Learning becomes more productive when teachers allow the students to explore their own routes towards academic success. Student centered learning provides students with the opportunity to their own format of learning to the curriculum and apply it as this process provides an exclusive learning objective. With a good rapport amongst the teacher-student and effective communication teacher can gauge students needs interest and overall commitment towards learning material.
Student centered learning enables the student to be a facilitating factor in his own learning process. Student centered learning is one of the best option for higher education and learning process as higher education more or less evolves group discussions, peer learning and team work.
No doubt - this kind of scenario strengthens the teacher-student relationship and class dynamics.
But in my mind, the real connection to students comes with learning. Here are 10 ways to plan a student-centered lesson. 1. Learn your learners. Ask students what topics they enjoy learning about. 2. Distribute a student attitude survey. Use the results to create an individual student profile.
3. Gather learner feedback pages.
Students are also more likely to learn when they are motivated about a topic.
8. Encourage students to ask questions. Whenever possible, provide guiding questions that encourage students to thinking about a process they have just learned.
Strengthen your class dynamics, classroom management techniques and student-teacher relationships and then ask students for their feedback. If you have any other ideas for involving students in the learning process, please
Benefits of student-centered learning environments include dynamic and constantly evolving learning through activities that focus on underlying cognitive processes which are based in relevant contexts. Carl Rogers' person-centered learning theory posits that a person having learned in this manner has learned how to learn and is able to adjust to different types of learning as required in diverse settings. Benefits of Student-Centered Learning
These are true benefits of a student-centered learning environment. Expanded Thinking and Learning
Open-ended, student-centered environments properly designed to support learners allow them the best opportunity to succeed. As learning progresses, students are allowed to assess their progress and learning needs, to adjust the learning as necessary. More Meaningful Learning
To be effective, learning must be meaningful to the student.
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