Washington DC Schools Improves Its After-School Program
Washington DC Schools after schools and out of school programs are getting a boost from the nonprofit DC Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation and The Wallace Foundation. The DC Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation is responsible for giving funds to community organizations for out-of-school time programs, youth entrepreneurship programs, and early childhood development programs and parent centers. The DC Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation has recently received the promise of $8 million from The Wallace Foundation for Washington DC Schools after school programs.
The Wallace Foundation's Learning in CommunitiesWashington DC Schools were chosen to be apart of The Wallace Foundation's Learning in Communities initiative. Learning in Communities strives to develop comprehensive methods for learning in and organizing after school programs that have very high standards. The Learning in Communities initiative has begun in three Washington DC Schools middle schools, Charles Hart Middle School, Kelly Miller Middle School, and Lincoln Middle School. The program currently serves around 600 students but the plan is to expand the program to all middle schools in the Washington DC Schools. The Learning in Communities initiative has help to establish high quality activities outside of the school day; after school, on weekends, and during the summer.
The Learning in Communities, guided by the DC Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation, has created partnerships with Washington DC mayor's office, Washington DC Schools, leaders, local universities, private foundations, parents, and the community. The Learning in Communities initiative is starting in middle schools in Washington DC Schools due to national educational research that has indicated that middle school age children are the best group to help from failing later. Washington DC Schools now have more than 150 programs that serve at least some middle-school students but the Learning in Communities initiative aims to put an after school program in every middle school in the Washington DC Schools. The Learning in Communities initiative will improve Washington DC Schools after school and summer programs by connecting the programs, producing diverse quality programs that fit children's needs, developing better standards for training providers, and creating a database that will allow officials to match children with after-school programs.
After school programs are becoming more and more popular, and it's no wonder: these programs can be a true godsend for the millions of American families without a parent or relative available to pick up a child from school in the middle of the afternoon, but are these programs good places for doing homework?
As a parent, your first concern regarding any after-school program is safety.
- Is there a procedure for parents picking up their children? Once those questions have been answered, it's time to see how the after-school program handles homework.
Not All After School Programs Are the Same
There are different types of after-school programs, and each type will have its own homework philosophy, goals and focus. How do you know if homework is a priority at your after school program?
Does the program mention homework in its brochure, website and materials? Does the program have dedicated space and time to complete homework? Does the program have an adult supervising the homework area? If the program seems to do a fair job with homework, consider allowing your child to do his "easy" homework and save the important homework for home. If the after school homework program is nt up to snuff, please don't insist that your child participate. When trying to decide if your child should do his homework at the after school program, please consider his unique personality. Some children need a break right after school, while others have no problem doing their homework immediately. Give your child my Homework Personality Quiz to determine if homework and after school programs are a good match.
Just like parents, children can live a pretty busy life with all the learning and activities in school. As busy as both parents and children are, after school programs are increasing in large numbers and most of them are fully booked. A safer environment for children to be in is some sort of after school program instead of roaming around without adult supervision. Many children do not stay active enough. Joining after school programs that involves physical activities will help your child shake off their laziness and keep them active. Perhaps parents are living out their unfulfilled dreams through their child. Children need activities; it keeps them from being bored.
After school programs are a great source of positive activities. They help develop core values and keep your child well rounded. These after school programs are not only needed but also serve as a safe haven.
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